Sonya Pemberton-搜索结果

  • 维生素狂热 Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins


    导演:Sonya Pemberton   编剧:Sonya Pemberton

    主演:Derek Muller

      维生素,又称维他命,适量摄取可保持身体健康,而过量则会中毒。维生素已成为价值千亿美元的产业,Derek Muller博士讲述维生素的科学和历史,以及怎样合理摄取。
      Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves.
      But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are “natural” and therefore can’t do you an...